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De viktigste endringen er i disse seksjonene
3.6.1 & 3.6.3Offshore bonusSection
3.9 Fixed allowanceSection
3.10Communication allowance
Section 2.2 Positions exempted from WEASection 3.6.1 & 3.6.3Offshore bonusSection 3.9 Fixed allowanceSection 3.10Communication allowance

3.6.1 Offshore BonusHome Country Resident Employees who do not receive Job Bonus but are members of the operational crew are paid one Offshore Bonus per Offshore Day (including the day of travel to and from an offshore installation). Employees who work more than 14 days offshore consecutively willbe paid 2 Offshore Bonuses per Offshore Day from day 15 onwards until their return to onshore. If Employees are receiving an Activity Level Bonus, then only one Offshore Bonus will be paid per Offshore Day.
The Offshore Bonus per Offshore Day when working “schedule”,
Grade 8NOK 1.522,–
Grade 9NOK 1.801,
–Grade 10NOK 2.078,
–Grade 11NOK 2.354,
–Grade 12 (and above)NOK 2.632,–(Actual field work, not for field visits, audits etc.)
For Employees working “No Schedule” the Offshore Bonus per Offshore Day is increased above the rates for “Schedule” work by the amount of NOK 430,–per Offshoreday.

3.6.3 Public Holiday Bonus
For work carried out on location (onshore or offshore) on official Public Holidays a bonus is paid. Public Holiday Bonus is only paid to Employees when the Employee works at the request of the Company
For Wednesday before Easter, ChristmasEve and New Year’s Eve, bonus is only paid out if work are required to be carried out after 12:00.
•Official Public Holidays
•Easter Eve, The eve of Pentecost (Pinseaften)•Wednesday before Easter, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve after 12:00
NOK 1500,-

3.9 Fixed allowance
All Exempt employees receive a compensation of 15,38% of base salary as a Fixed Allowance.
Exempt employees in jobs exempted from working time regulations as defined in 2.2 are not entitled to separate compensation for work exceeding 200 hours.
Exempt employees that do not fulfil the requirement as defined in 2.2 have a compensation for 200 overtime hours in the fixed allowance. Overtime exceeding 200 hours will be compensated with 50% overtime, subject to mandatory pre–approval and accurate logging of hours in Loadchart. The employee is responsible to keep record of the approvals and submit to HR to receive overtime compensation for the additional hours. Overtime payment, for approved hours exceeding 200, will be calculated per calendar year, and paid in Q1 the following year.
Hours related to offshore work and/or onshore shift arrangements (example;real time SISAS)are excluded from the calculations/compensationas described above.
Further, Exempt Employees are entitled to 2 extra days off (Exempt days)with pay per year. These days are not to be counted as ordinary vacation days and cannot be transferred to the next vacation year.
Dette med 200 timer er vi mest fornøyd med,men vi vil selvsagt prøve å redusere timer ytterligere

3.10 Communication
Communication allowance is defined in “Norway Communication Allowance Guideline” and asof today, consists of support for mobile phone lease, subscription, and internet refundwith defined amount. The Employer maintains its right to change or remove this communication benefit at anygiven time and at its own discretion.